Tuesday, September 30, 2014

How Does This Work?

Khana is a weekly food service designed for working adults and students. For 5 days a week we provide you fresh, home-cooked Indian food. Each meal will consist of 3 rotis, 1 daal, 1 sabzi, at a $8 per plate rate. Most of our clients order 5- to 6- meals a week.

All we need to know is, how many meals you want per week, and any food-related allergies you may have. Please note, currently, we only offer a vegetarian food service. You can order non-vegetarian dishes on a per-item basis.

If you wish to order food on a per-item basis please be advised that the per-item rates are comparable to, or only slightly cheaper than restaurant prices. By this I mean, rotis will be $1 each. An order of biryani (3-servings per order) will be $15. An order of daal (4- to 5- servings per order) will be $10. It's gotta be worth Mum's while to whip out her rolling pin, right? :-)

This is the most well-balanced and moderately oiled and spiced food you will find at these rates.

Yes! We do small-batch catering. We outdo ourselves with cooking chaat or biryani or rotis (these are our most popular items) for a maximum of 20 to 30 people.

Available Food Items